
exchange_myretireebenefitsCompany name: Highmark Health Services

Marketplace name: MyRetireeBenefits

Technology used to power platform: Array Health Solutions

CEO or Practice Leader:   David Holmberg-CEO of Highmark

Main Location / Headquarters:   Pittsburgh, PA

Founded / Exchange Launched: Started in 2011

Website: Please click here

Membership/number of lives currently on platform: TBD

Segment size preference (“target business size”):  Large group businesses

States of operation (if available):  Available to large group businesses in Pennsylvania. However, the plans that are offered, are in most cases, available to retirees nationwide.

Are employers required to use a defined contribution:  Yes

Carriers Offered:  Blue Cross and Blue Shield

Decision Support: Utilizes Array SmartFit decision support technology. This retiree platform also utilizes a dedicated call center for decision support.

How Does Exchange Get Compensated:

Standard or Custom Product Configuration:

Do They Utilize Other Technology Company Solutions:

Single-carrier or Multi-carrier: Single Carrier