Lockton Select Marketplace

exchange_locktonselectCompany name: Lockton

Marketplace name: Lockton Select Marketplace

Technology used to power platform: Partnered with SelectQuote Benefit Solutions

CEO or Practice Leader:  Mike Smith -Director of Exchange Solutions.

Main Location / Headquarters:  Kansas City, MO

Founded / Exchange Launched: May 2013

Website: Please click here.

Membership/number of lives currently on platform: TBD

Segment size preference (“target business size”):  No target size; will offer the private health insurance exchange to its employer clients who serve retirees.

States of operation (if available): Available to Lockton’s employer clients

Are employers required to use a defined contribution:

Carriers Offered: Offers an array of carriers

Decision Support: Offers decision support tools and end-to-end communications

How does exchange get compensated:

Standard or Custom Product Configuration: Retirees, age 65 and older, and any disability Medicare recipients, have access to Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, and prescription drug plans

Single-carrier or Multi-carrier: Multi-carrier