
imgresCompany name: BenefitFocus

CEO or Practice Leader: Shawn Jenkins, President & CEO

Main Location / Headquarters: Charleston, SC

Founded / Exchange Launched: BenefitFocus was founded in 2000

Website: Please click here.

Membership/number of lives currently on platform: TBD

Segment size preference (“target business size”): Mainly targets large employers with more than 1,000 employees

States of operation (if available): National

Are employers required to use a defined contribution:  Supports a variety of defined contribution options

Health Carriers Offered: Depends on insurance carrier or employer partner

Ancillary/Specialty Carriers Offered: Depends on insurance carrier or employer partner

Decision Support: Consumers shop and apply at their own pace in an easy, Q&A style format. Other features include: Cost estimators and plan comparison. As employees shop and enroll in benefits, a virtual shopping cart tracks the allocation of employer-sponsored contributions and employee out-of-pocket costs, there are also online videos. Decision support tools on this exchange also incorporate CodeBaby’s Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs).

How does exchange get compensated: The Benefitfocus platform is sold on a subscription basis, typically through annual contracts with employer customers and multi-year contracts with insurance carrier customers, with subscription fees paid monthly

Standard or Custom Product Configuration: TBD

Do they Utilize Other Technology Company Solutions:

Single-carrier or Multi-carrier: Multi-carrier