Company name: Asuris Northwest Health
Marketplace name: Asuris Marketplace
CEO or Practice Leader: Brady Cass, President of Asuris Northwest Health
Main Location / Headquarters: Seattle, WA
Founded / Exchange Launched: Launched March 2014
Website: Please click here
Membership/number of lives currently on platform: TBD
Segment size preference (“target business size”): Mid-and large-sized businesses
States of operation (if available): Select businesses in Washington state
Are employers required to use a defined contribution: Yes
Carriers Offered: Asuris
Decision Support: Guided on-line assistance helps employers shop for, enroll in, and mange their benefits. Decision support technology takes into account the employees unique needs and budget.
How Does Exchange Get Compensated:
Standard or Custom Product Configuration:
Do they Utilize Other Technology Company Solutions
Single-carrier or Multi-carrier: Single carrier
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