
exchange_corporatesynergiesCompany name: Corporate Synergies

Marketplace name: SynergiesSELECT

Technology used to power platform: Corporate Synergies’ private exchange utilizes SmartBen’s cloud-based benefits exchange platform

CEO or Practice Leader: John Turner, CEO of Corporate Synergies Group.

Main Location / Headquarters: Mt. Laurel, NJ

Founded / Exchange Launched: February 2013

Website: Please click here.

Membership/number of lives currently on platform: TBD

Segment size preference (“target business size”): Employers with 100 or more employees

States of operation (if available): Available to Corporate Synergies clients

Are employers required to use a defined contribution: Yes

Carriers Offered: Eight major insurers now are writing coverage in the exchange, with that number expected to increase as more insurers sign agreements, a Corporate Synergies spokesman said. Corporate Synergies did not disclose the names of the insurers.

Decision Support: Participants in SynergiesSELECT will have access to BenefitsVIP, Corporate Synergies’ employee advocacy program that assists users in navigating their health and welfare benefits in order to use them efficiently. Other decision support includes: Employee survey of health needs, financial profile and risk tolerance, plan options based on survey input, as well as other intuitive decision support tools such as avatar technology

How does exchange get compensated: 

Standard or Custom Product Configuration: 

Do They Utilize Additional Technology Company Soloutions:

Single-carrier or Multi-carrier: Multi-carrier