Regence Marketplace

exchange_regenceCompany name: Regence Health Insurance Services

Marketplace name: Regence Marketplace

Technology used to power platform:

CEO or Practice Leader:  Jared Short, President of Regence Health Insurance Services; Bill Bradley, vice president of product management for Regence

Main Location / Headquarters:  Portland, Oregon

Founded / Exchange Launched: 2014

Website: Please click here

Membership/number of lives currently on platform: TBD

Segment size preference (“target business size”): Available to employers with 100 or more employees. Regence plans to expand this product offering to smaller employers with 51 or more employees later this year.

States of operation (if available): For select businesses in Idaho, Oregon, Utah and Washington

Are employers required to use a defined contribution: Regence Marketplace supports defined contribution

Carriers Offered: Regence BlueCross BlueShield

Decision Support: The marketplace provides employers with consumer support tools in an interactive experience

How Does Exchange Get Compensated:

Standard or Custom Product Configuration:

Do They Utilize Other Technology Company Solutions:

Single-carrier or Multi-carrier: Single